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Friday, April 30, 2010

hey ya'll! it's been a long time again huh? well, i'm going to the AWESOME VIETNAM in 2 days time! THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD better miss me! :D ESPECIALLY YOU, SIR KOOLOOMALU!
if you're reading this, please remember your citizen of looloomalu city will always remember you:D alrights! i love you sir kooloomalu! i respect you greatly. you will always be my proudest icon in this city.

you all better miss me truckloads! and think of me! haha! i'm so excited. i've already packed my luggage! yeaps! this is freaking me out! i want to go Vietnam now! school was great today. just with all those retarded tests. if not, it was wonderful. everyday is a wonderful day, it depends on how you see it yeah? no matter how screwed your day is, there's always a happy ending! because God made this day for us!

had loads of prizes today. had 2 i-share. was fun:) then we went through compre for english. after that, went through the vocab words. WOAH! yeah, after that was geog. sleeping time. haha. couldnt understand A WORD she said. dont know how i'm gonna pass my geog o'levels. oh wells, ate fish ball mee for recess. went up with cassandra. talk talk talk. then had chinese test. i'm prepared to fail i guess, totally screwed up. after chinese, revised literature with janice, sandra, glad, jane and jet. then went up for literature test. it was quite okay. didn't write alot though...

after literature, had to went back to classroom to clean it up:( haha. FINALLY WE WERE DISMISSED! went up to 4th level to put my bag. then went lunch with guosing, cassandra, jet, noel and shekinah. we went to fusion. ordered mocha frap. damn nice! and a banana cupcake. went down to 18 CHEFS. i cant eat inside cause starbucks is not halal. LOLS! sat at the foodcourt to eat my cupcake! then they ordered food and i ordered fries. kept laughing during lunch cause some stupid idiot keep making me laugh! haha

walked back to school. laughed alot cause cassandra is insane! went up for choir. we played some game. haha then had warm ups and learnt a new song "canon in joy" super nice. sectionals was amazingly fun. thanks SOPS! love you guys loads! choir ended off pretty well too! and i'm sure today would be a day i'll remember!:D