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Thursday, April 8, 2010
shut up

hey! school was extremely tiring today
napfa sucks like mad
i'm so tired and annoyed
tmrw got chinese test. and it's annoying the hell out of me
so many problems lately.
i dont understand why when i trust someone,
the someone wont trust me back.

you may think i dont understand how you and your friends feel
but i do.
i hope you'll treat us like a class
althought it's different, we're all trying our best you know
do accept us:)
we'll always be there!

i dont care about you anymore
if you refuse to say then dont!
i dont care if you think i'm a bitch for getting
angry for no reason.
there's a reason.
i trust you, tell you everything
and you keep interrogating me
it's annoying and it shows how much you dont trust this
thanks alot for nothing
you dont have to say.